
Showing posts from November, 2016

Slow to speak, slow to anger...

I'm thinking I should start a new, separate blog for the kinds of posts I've recently gravitated towards writing.  The past few weeks have found me being a lot more contemplative, wanting to stand still for longer amounts of time and just think .  As a new-ish mom, that can be hard, sure, but I'm fighting to maintain that because it feels SO urgent now, more than ever before, since I know I have a daughter who will be influenced by me in the coming years. Maybe you could say it's this election season that's made me pause and reflect, but as a Christian, I know that I can't put all my eggs in that basket--there will never, ever be an individual that I believe I can put all my trust and hope in.  We are all flawed and broken. But I think--and it's not my intent to talk politics here, I was hoping to go in a different direction-- perhaps it's the strong reactions I've witnessed from both sides that have rocked me and sent me spiraling into a place w