
Showing posts from January, 2017

3rd week of January

Monday, 1/16 Speech therapy session #4: Today's session was the first of the year where we began weekly appointments. Prior to this, we'd been attending bi-weekly sessions.  I keep forgetting to take pictures but these sessions are mainly play time where the therapist tries to get Maddie to vocalize sounds and words in an effort to still determine if she has a delay or not.  On this day, Maddie was still shy and only said "car" and "ball" if I remember correctly. Tuesday, 1/17 Central Park Playland and Tuttle Crossing mall: Today was a doozy! Went to an indoor playground inside a church in the late morning. Afterwards, Maddie was pretty tired, but I had an itch to keep the fun going....So we met Ryan at work for lunch and drove to the mall where Maddie had Chick-fil-A and played on the carousel and planet-themed playground. She was VERY tired after all of this! Wednesday, 1/18 Grocery Trip: Thursday, 1/19 Local library toddler

January 9-15, 2017

Lately I've been unnecessarily stressing over how I can possibly organize and keep track of all the little moments that occur in daily life.  Sometimes I look back at old baby pictures of Maddie and realize I can barely remember some of those moments.  Too many things happen.  Also, I am extremely determined to make sure we have as few idle days as possible; that is not to say that lounging around, snuggling in our pj's is a bad thing, just that I want to look back and be able to say, "I did everything I humanly could to make the most of our time"!   Ryan and I definitely notice the difference in Maddie's development when we have busy weeks (going out for playdates, appointments, errands, etc.) versus the "lazy" days when she and I just stay home and read, play or watch Netflix kid shows.  Again, there are times when those are needed, but we don't want to get into the habit of doing that all the time. So here is a recap of the second week of Jan

18 months + other stuff

Every day I keep telling myself that I need to be better at this blogging thing because as I get older, things are just plain getting harder to remember. Especially when it comes to this sweet kid, who JUST turned 18 months old on the 1st! : I just can't believe it. Okay, well before I allow myself to go off and get sentimentally sappy, let's do some 18 month facts so recorded and out of the way... - she is just beginning to talk up a storm within the last week. Favorite words to say are "ball", "duck" (pronounced"guck") and "gog" ("dog" also sometimes says "gaga") - started speech therapy back in November on a biweekly basis to help encourage talking. Next week, we will move into weekly sessions and I am very much hoping and praying that this gets things moving. I honestly don't think therapy is necessary since she shows signs of being extremely cimmunicative at home, but the craniofacial clinic speech p