
Showing posts from August, 2013

I'm Aliiiiiive!

Quick update: mostly chugging along, in the midst of students' changing schedules for the school year due to sports and other crap; getting ready to also experiment a little with teaching out of my home for the first time.  I'm excited about that, and welcome any kind of change as I get depressed when things become too mundane and routine in my life. A few days ago I was involved in a minor car accident-- I wasn't at fault.  Was just sitting there at a light and bam! lady behind me got rammed by a girl who basically wasn't paying attention to the road (she keeps claiming she was paying attention and that she was NOT on her phone...none of us can really prove that) and in turn, I hit the car in front of me while still applying the brakes.  I'm totally fine, but of course I sit and wait to hear from the other girl's insurance company and watch them try to screw me over. Interesting thing-- literally a few hours after the accident, my cell phone lit up with call