
Showing posts from April, 2011

A Non-Obligatory Weekend

Well, this is the first weekend in awhile where I've had absolutely nothing going on...and it feels wonderful:)  Rest assured, I'm not planning on completely wasting my weekend.  Here is what I'm hoping to cross off my list by the end of tomorrow:  Wash and fold all most of the laundry (let's face it, I have laundry ADD--there's only so much I can fold before I go insane). Go for a run outside--short or long--I'm open to either. NOT eating out; I prefer my own cooking anyways, but when I do resort to take out, it's just because I'm lazy.  I made ocean perch, mashed yams and a salad last night for dinner, and I want to continue my cooking at home streak for as long as I can! Organize and then subsequently practice my orchestral excerpts collection.  I have no auditions in the near or far future as I've decided to take a step back and re-evaluate what I've been doing wrong (okay, okay--I just need to practice more--let's start with that

The Freedom of Frugality

Planning for the few trips I have in June got me thinking about my Dad's retirement and how blessed he and my mom are to retire with everything in order at a relatively young age (he's under 60).  I know the main reason they were able to do that was because of how frugal our family was when I was growing up.  It's funny to look back and remember how I viewed things as a child and to see them as they are now; I actually thought we were poor growing up because of how often my parents said "no" to the things my brother and I wanted, or how little we went out to eat, or because my parents didn't always purchase a brand new car every three or four years (much later, I found out that people who get a new car that often don't really "own" them, they lease!).  We lived in a small, humble home (that my parents have expanded and renovated since my brother and I left the house) and I remember my parents ALWAYS looking for a bargain wherever they could find

Thinking of Past Violin Teachers

Today, as I was driving to work, I started thinking about all my past violin teachers that influenced me throughout different phases of my life.  In particular, I was thinking of my very first teacher and how the last time I spoke to her, she didn't seem to be in a very good place.  I was depressed when I got off the phone with her and I've tried getting in touch with her since then, to no avail. I was thinking about what a large part she played--as well as all my other teachers, later on--in my life and I wondered if she was aware of her influence.  I wish I could find her and tell her.  Several months ago, I thought I had found her address and sent a Christmas card, but I never heard back nor was the letter sent back so I have no way of knowing if I got the right person or address. I started my first lesson with Ms. Urban when I was three years old.  She must have been the age I am now, in her late twenties or so.  I spent the next six years with her and for reasons I'

The (Un) Appeal of Playing in an Orchestra

There is a Big Lebowski-Fest in Columbus this weekend, and so my MIL is coming into town tonight since she is a Big Lebowski fan.  I'm not sure, but I have a feeling that this "festival" is just an overpriced showing of the movie at some bar.  So why even call it a festival?  I'm pretty sure we own the movie so maybe we could just watch it at home?  I'll find out what she and my husband feel like doing when I'm done teaching tonight.  Personally, I'm not that into the movie myself.  I've seen it once and hardly remember it.  Anyone else who's seen it that thinks I should give it another chance?  There are just some movies out there that have a huge cult following that I don't get; like The Rocky Horror Picture Show.  I went once when I was in college and I was really creeped out by everyone "acting" along side the movie.  I just didn't get what was so enticing or fun about it, I guess. So anyways, I need to do some mild house cl

I love Nerds

My significant other and I disagree on the topic of taking a vacation.  Which is too bad because I'm really really needing one about now. There was a period back there--maybe a month or two ago--where I was feeling really peaceful about where I was and where I'm going; I was just going with the flow, trying very hard to not over think anything in general, and it seemed to work pretty well. But now I can feel myself being slowly sucked back into the vortex of negativity and pessimism.  The days where I teach for four or five hours, but it might as well be ten or twelve with the way they drag on; days where I don't feel inspired as a teacher and I want to beat myself up for not having the answer or solution to everything; days where I bombed an audition and I come home feeling unworthy as a musician, much less a teacher, and tell myself I have no right to guide young musicians if I can't guide myself through a stupid audition. I don't know if I'm just having

I'm a grammar dork, I know.

Okay--I know this is a confusing one, otherwise I wouldn't be seeing this all over the place--but I just read ANOTHER incorrect(?) usage of the pronoun "I" with a proper noun, as in "Ryan and I's favorite restaurant". Did something change in the rules of English grammar recently and maybe I fell asleep while it was being taught in class? Am I crazy? What's wrong with playing it safe and saying "OUR favorite restaurant" or maybe "Ryan's and MY favorite restaurant"?? And just in case there are those guilty of doing this (I'm not judging, just educating!), here's another one I hear quite often but hesitate to correct directly for fear of embarrassing the person: IRREGARDLESS is not a word!!  It's, "REGARDLESS", no "IR" is necessary:) Thank you.