Well, hello there.

Well, obviously I haven't written anything in quite awhile. After my mom died 16 months ago, pretty much all desire to do anything with this blog went away. Maybe someday I'll write more about that, but for now I just wanted to say...I'm still alive and busy with life. The kiddos are growing fast and they mostly keep me from going into a deep depression over my mom. Also, being in a relatively new town and a new house distracts me, not to mention I don't associate my mom with anything here so in a way it's been good for me. I notice I get emotional with older places that hold fond memories of my mom, like my hometown or even in the previous city we used to live. Maddie is almost finished with in-person kindergarten! She's done so well, and at the beginning of the year, tested gifted in the reading and comprehension department, so she is well ahead of where she should be. She's only 5.5 but reads at a 4th grade level, so we're so pleased with her progre...