
Happy Hump Day! This week is flying by for me. On Monday, I rescheduled my few students I normally have, so I could attend my 19 week ultrasound with my husband, his mother and my parents. This was the big one, where we found out the gender and made sure all measurements were looking good! My stomach was in knots all morning; the appointment was at 3:00 and I just could not wait to see what we were having. My MIL arrived the night before and brought some baby furniture that used to be my husband's. We are telling everyone that we really would like anything secondhand as I hate to see things go to waste. I don't believe in buying everything new, especially if it won't be used for too long. I know some things will have to be purchased, but if someone has a crib or changing table they don't want, we'll totally take that. So anyway, after my parents arrived late Monday morning, we chilled out waiting for my husband to come home from work. Eve...