Happy Friday!

I've been trying to both cook healthier and be smarter about not wasting anything we have lately.  Not that I was outright trying to be wasteful!  But sometimes it felt like I was going to the grocery store way too often for things I was forgetting, when I really should be able to get everything I need for the rest of the week in only one trip.  Otherwise, just use what I have at home, or finish leftovers!  That last one is very hard to do since my husband HATES leftovers.  I could seriously eat something that's a week old, but he will not touch it after the 2nd day.  Even then, I have to twist his arm depending on what it is.
I suppose I'm trying to exercise more mindfulness in all this, too, because once this baby comes I will not be working anymore--at least for many months--so a frugal mindset will really help when that time comes.

I've been slightly more obsessed with my breakfasts lately, since I hadn't been the healthiest with that meal.  It was time to step it up:

scrambled egg/egg whites, kiwi and orange slices...and a few ounces of coffee!! (I know they say that caffeine is actually okay in small amounts but I still have been avoiding it except for two times that I felt like being "risky")

Oops...a dinner slipped in...rotini cream pasta with chicken sausage and peppers

Actually, I had this for lunch the other day; breakfast burrito with hot sauce, cottage cheese and blueberries

the fruit in the oatmeal makes it look so appetizing, but this may have been too "heaping" of a serving size for me. Will have to halve it next time.

I struggle trying to get all the main "5 food groups" in each day (plus all that water...that's hard for me! Coffee and Coke Zero used to be my "water".  Haven't had soda since I found out I was pregnant) so I've been trying to get most of the fruit intake out of the way earlier in the day.

Here's another 'baby bump' pic (as if you're not already sick of hearing about this pregnancy!)


Alright--today is a slow teaching day so trying to get more housework stuff done, prep dinner and maybe some more maternity clothes hunting. I might check out this secondhand place--I just can NOT STAND paying full price for something I'll only wear for 4-5 more months!


Cat Simmonds said…
This heathy diet will benefit your sugar levels so you pass your glucose tests! Good luck, and you look great!
Gaby said…
Thanks, Cat! Hope you are doing well, too, and having a blast with your twins :)

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