3rd week of January

Monday, 1/16 Speech therapy session #4: Today's session was the first of the year where we began weekly appointments. Prior to this, we'd been attending bi-weekly sessions. I keep forgetting to take pictures but these sessions are mainly play time where the therapist tries to get Maddie to vocalize sounds and words in an effort to still determine if she has a delay or not. On this day, Maddie was still shy and only said "car" and "ball" if I remember correctly. Tuesday, 1/17 Central Park Playland and Tuttle Crossing mall: Today was a doozy! Went to an indoor playground inside a church in the late morning. Afterwards, Maddie was pretty tired, but I had an itch to keep the fun going....So we met Ryan at work for lunch and drove to the mall where Maddie had Chick-fil-A and played on the carousel and planet-themed playground. She was VERY tired after all of this! Wednesday, 1/18 Grocery Trip: Thursday, 1/19 Local library toddler...