3rd week of January

Monday, 1/16 Speech therapy session #4:

Today's session was the first of the year where we began weekly appointments. Prior to this, we'd been attending bi-weekly sessions.  I keep forgetting to take pictures but these sessions are mainly play time where the therapist tries to get Maddie to vocalize sounds and words in an effort to still determine if she has a delay or not.  On this day, Maddie was still shy and only said "car" and "ball" if I remember correctly.

Tuesday, 1/17 Central Park Playland and Tuttle Crossing mall:

Today was a doozy! Went to an indoor playground inside a church in the late morning. Afterwards, Maddie was pretty tired, but I had an itch to keep the fun going....So we met Ryan at work for lunch and drove to the mall where Maddie had Chick-fil-A and played on the carousel and planet-themed playground. She was VERY tired after all of this!

Wednesday, 1/18 Grocery Trip:

Thursday, 1/19 Local library toddler laptime and Reynoldsburg Indoor Farmers market:

No pictures:( But another day of activity with story and playtime at our local library. Later in the afternoon, we perused the indoor farmer's market I'd read about. It was just okay, although I did enjoy a wonderful latte from a Java truck sitting outside. Maddie enjoyed a few too many sweet samples, such as biscotti, chocolate covered pretzels and a complimentary glazed doughnut for being a cutie:)

Friday, 1/20 Dentist and Dinner with friends:

Impromptu dentist appointment after waiting months for an opening. This was the first time I brought Maddie in her new toddler stage, and was a little nervous about how she'd do. Well, my dentists office is spectacular! Everyone there is great with kids. Maddie was amazing; she didn't run off and get into trouble like I'd pictured. She sat for a bit on a chair watching a show on her Kindle fire. After awhile, she was curious about why mommy was lying down in the big chair. She stood next to me and patted my shoulder to "comfort" me. So tiny but SO sweet! Then she bounced a ball with my dentist and got a new toothbrush. Great first visit to the dentist!

In the evening we met some friends who have a boy just 5 days younger than Maddie. The tots met for the first time and they were adorable!

Saturday, 1/21 Students, accompanying and grandparents visit!

I taught my students in the morning and then left around noon to accompany a flute student for OMEA. It was super quick, lasted just 5 minutes, and then I was back home to greet my parents who came into town for Maddie's dedication the next day.
We did some shopping with grandma in the evening at everyone's weak spot: Target!

Sunday, 1/22 Church dedication

We participated in our church's children dedication and stood in front of the whole congregation vowing to raise our daughter to love God and bring her up in the church. This was very important to me. It was a great day to celebrate both that, as well as National Sanctity of Human Life Day (every day is "national something" right?). I prefer to celebrate life. I'm not going to go into it much here right now (or ever!)...But I'm just a little tired of all the negativity (and NO I am not a Trump lover). This particular day was a breath of fresh air from all the ugliness and profanity and vulgarity--on both sides of the aisle--that has been seen lately. Enough already.

After church, we came home to lunch simmering in the crock pot: yummy pork tenderloin, creamy mashed potatoes and roasted garlic. Chocolate cake with ice cream for dessert. Then Maddie took a much needed afternoon nap while the rest of us lounged quietly. When Maddie woke up, she played with my parents and then they left to return back to Canton. Maddie was very sad to see grandma and grandpa leave:(

And that was last week's happenings!


Shelley said…
How has your tiny baby turned into such a tiny child! She is adorable, so darn cute, but to see her pushing a (tiny) shopping cart already? Ack!
Gaby said…
Shelley, I know!! I have to strain to recall the baby days:( it's a blur and yet also seems like it was only last week she was born. OK, I'm going to go ugly cry in a corner now...
Leslie said…
She is such a sweetie! I love that she patted your shoulder during the dentist to comfort you. It looks like you all are enjoying your days together and that she is doing great!

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