July Update

Again--another month goes by without a single post! Grrrr! What's happened this month? Ohhhhh, someone turned TWO! And OF COURSE I have ZERO pictures (my dad took all the pics and still has to send them to me) because per usual, I was running around cooking and making sure everything was perfect and everyone was comfortable. Gah! Mental note to self: next year just go out to eat!!!! Oh, what can I say about this girl? She is keeping me busy every second of every day. She's growing like a weed, talking a mile a minute and has my temper and Ryan's stubbornness. Yesterday, after we picked Maddie up from the church nursery, Ryan had been quietly watching her play before going in and he said to me, "you know who she reminded me of while she was playing? Zoe!" Yes. Our dog, Zoe :P Yes, it's a strange comparison; but Zoe the Yorkie is quite independent--kind of like a cat, really--and I guess Ryan was pleased to see the same quality in his d...