July Update

Again--another month goes by without a single post! Grrrr!

What's happened this month?  Ohhhhh, someone turned TWO!  And OF COURSE I have ZERO pictures (my dad took all the pics and still has to send them to me) because per usual, I was running around cooking and making sure everything was perfect and everyone was comfortable. Gah!  Mental note to self:  next year just go out to eat!!!!

Oh, what can I say about this girl?  She is keeping me busy every second of every day. She's growing like a weed, talking a mile a minute and has my temper and Ryan's stubbornness.  Yesterday, after we picked Maddie up from the church nursery, Ryan had been quietly watching her play before going in and he said to me, "you know who she reminded me of while she was playing? Zoe!"   Yes. Our dog, Zoe :P  Yes, it's a strange comparison; but Zoe the Yorkie is quite independent--kind of like a cat, really--and I guess Ryan was pleased to see the same quality in his daughter, hahaha

But seriously, I do hope she grows up to be super independent, confident and strong in every way!  So far, she has nooooo problem stating what she wants and when she wants it!

She is also entering the new stage of conversing with us and asking soo many questions:  "It's raining on our house, the blue house", "Grandma and Grandpa (or as she pronounces it, Mama-Appa) went to the car wash", "Maddie did it!" "Zoe and Phoebe are sleeping", etc. etc. And of course, "WHAT'S THAT!??"
She knows the alphabet pretty well, tries to command Alexa (the Amazon Echo) what to do and what songs to play ("Allaa...play "Kiggies" [Piggies, by The Beatles] or "Alllaaa, play "Car-Awsh" [Carwash by Rose Royce])

I'm not sure if we're being typical parents...but I SWEAR she has excellent pitch and rhythm skills for a two year old.  If we sing different pitches, high or low, she tends to match pretty well.  When she claps along to a song, her rhythm is actually spot on.  As two professionally trained musicians, my husband and I are hopeful!  This reminds me, too, that I need to get my act together and start transitioning to real music training in solfege, ear training and piano so that she has some basics down before we choose an instrument (or voice possibly) later on in the future.

Her favorite things right now are:

-Peppa Pig
-Car washes
-Grandma and Grandpa!!
-French Fries
-Sarah & Duck (another British cartoon)

Speaking of British kids shows...I noticed Maddie pronounces 'Zebra' with a British accent from watching too much Peppa Pig. So instead of saying "Zee-brah", she says, "Zehbra". Hilarious.

In personal life news, my mom's cancer journey is in what I call the-boring-but-feeling-safe phase; no her cancer is not in remission--and honestly, with her type of cancer, it probably never will be.  But since finishing radiation, she has felt so much better and, besides not being able to drive and do as many social functions or outings independently like she used to, seems like her normal self.  I am thankful for that.
I've been able to have longer conversations with her, she is up for going to the mall or eating out when we visit or when they visit us, and she and my dad have already been down here several times to spend time with Maddie and to babysit.  It does give me a reassuring feeling, doing those "normal" things that we used to do before the cancer made its appearance.
In the back of my mind, though, I am cautious. Hopeful, but still realistic. She has had some scans already, but they were inconclusive so we still have no idea if her tumor is growing back again, or if the radiation kept it at bay for now.  So right now, it just feels like we are all keeping our eyes on the mark of each day, each week and each month, and quietly ticking them off as small victories when they pass without incident.  It does sound strange when I say it aloud--how can I be satisfied with just a mere few months of my mom making it, even though the last three months have felt like a year already? I want her to be around for years and years! It sure doesn't sound right, but I guess this is our reality.

The summer is going by incredibly fast. So far, we have not gone on any vacations and I'm not sure if we'll have the time or energy (yes! Vacations and planning for them exhaust me!) to do so before summer is over.

Just taking it one day at a time--enjoying family, the (hot!) weather, friends and the good life that we have and remembering to be grateful for it all.


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