It's May 18th, and I'm 31 weeks. Ahhh!

I'm 31 weeks along today--ugh, where IS the time going?! Most days I'm really feeling fine--huge-- but good overall. Baby boy is moving a LOT which makes me happy. Pretty soon, I'll be transitioning to seeing my doctor every two weeks, and then once a week in the last month. Oh, boy! Obviously, I have less time to obsess over this pregnancy since Maddie is nearly 3 years old and keeps me busy. I am sure that is why the time has flown by so quickly...but I think that's a good thing! I still haven't done much in the way of preparing for the baby, but that's because we've been given so much, I'm not worried about it. I am planning on sleeping in our guest room with the baby for the first month or so until he is ready for the crib. Then we will move maddie into a big girl bed (yes...she still sleeps in a crib!) and move the crib to the guest room and it will become his room. Some people have given me strange looks when I tell them about that