October update

Life happens fast. That basically seems to be the theme of every post now, right? ;) My sweet boy is almost FOUR months now, and he has been smiling and cooing like craaazy! I love him so much! Looking dapper:) Mommy/Elliott selfie💜 A friend snuggling Elliott during library story time:) In the last week or so, he has started to take some pretty long naps--4-5 hour long ones (hallelujah!)--and sleeping mostly through the night. I put him down anywhere between 8-10 pm for bed, and he usually wakes to feed between 3-6 am and goes right back to sleep until 8 or 9 am. Pretty good! His big sister, on the other hand...:/ Maddie is changing so quickly; along with learning at an incredible rate, the threenager tantrums ARE REAL, unfortunately. Some days are good, but the days where she acts out , I have to continually remind myself that her world really was turned upside down with the arrival of her little brother. She does love him, but she predictably h...