October update

Life happens fast. That basically seems to be the theme of every post now, right? ;)

My sweet boy is almost FOUR months now, and he has been smiling and cooing like craaazy!  I love him so much!

Looking dapper:)

Mommy/Elliott selfie💜

A friend snuggling Elliott during library story time:)

In the last week or so, he has started to take some pretty long naps--4-5 hour long ones (hallelujah!)--and sleeping mostly through the night. I put him down anywhere between 8-10 pm for bed, and he usually wakes to feed between 3-6 am and goes right back to sleep until 8 or 9 am. Pretty good!
His big sister, on the other hand...:/

Maddie is changing so quickly; along with learning at an incredible rate, the threenager tantrums ARE REAL,  unfortunately.  Some days are good, but the days where she acts out , I have to continually remind myself that her world really was turned upside down with the arrival of her little brother. She does love him, but she predictably has gotten a little jealous of the attention and care he gets. It seems to make her feel better, however, when I explain to her that I gave just as much, if not more (because I only had ONE baby to deal with!) attention to her when she was little like baby brother.

The latest big thing with this fast growing toddler is that she is beginning to READ!  No, I don't mean she is learning the sounds of the alphabet or phonics--we're way past that--she is actually reading words and sounding them out without help. Around the time Elliott was born and Ryan took his paternity leave, the two of them spent full days watching and learning sight word videos and reading books. I credit the time and attention Ryan spent with her those two weeks with how much progress she's made in the reading department in such a short amount of time.
So whenever some stranger asks when I'm going to put her in "school " aka daycare, and gives me dirty looks when I say "not until she's 5 for kindergarten" I have to remind myself that she is way ahead of the game and most of it is due to the fact that she has me at home with her. I've been reading and singing to her since she was an infant; people are concerned about "socialization" but numerous playdates, trips to library story time, regularly attending church and going to every kid friendly location and activities Columbus has to offer has resulted in an overly friendly, well adjusted and happy 3 year old.
So just a bit of encouragement to other SAHMs:  You are doing GREAT. You are the best thing for your child.  Individuals who look down their nose at you because you "just stay at home" and don't earn a salary...ask them how much they shell out for daycare or a nanny. How much do they pay for a house cleaner, a cook, or dry cleaning/laundry service???? Because we do ALL of those things for FREE.

*getting off my soap box*

Changing the subject, I am starting to play more gigs again, although pretty low key stuff, it still feels good to get out there and play again. I miss it.
My parents will be babysitting quite a bit for those times as well as for our upcoming 12 year wedding anniversary next weekend  (I can't believe it's been that long!).   My mom is still stable, thank the Lord, and having two cute grandkids to look forward to seeing often keeps both my parents going. I'm thankful for these times.

Life is crazy with two kids, and I so desire to document our lives more knowing that I'll be grateful I did in the years to come. I'll have to try harder:)


Shelley said…
Oh that Elliot is a cutie pie! And Maddie is so grown up already!! You have adorable children. :)

Glad to hear that your mom is doing well.
Gaby said…

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