Fall time and a 4 month old baby!

In a very rare occurrence, I'm stealing a few minutes on the computer downstairs (where it's faster to type than on my tiny smart phone) to post an update, while the 3 year old and 4 month old baby are BOTH taking late morning naps. Rare, indeed. While Elliott is a typical baby, taking 2-3 naps a day--a short one in the morning and usually a very long one or two average naps in the afternoon before settling in for the evening--Maddie, on the other hand, hardly ever takes her naps anymore :( But she's had a cough for the past few days, which I'm keeping my eye on, and I actually convinced her to get into her bed so she could feel better to travel to grandma and grandpa's house this week. It worked! So now I find myself in front of the computer...and I have no idea where to begin :/ So much happens with two kids; I feel like there isn't even enough time to process any thinking sometimes. But I will say that I absolutely LOVE being a mom. I love it. I love...