February Happenings

Just popping in for an obligatory update:) I get that I probably have zero readers now due to sporadic posting and/or boring topics. That's okay. I know life is boring right now (well...not always, but babies aren't the most interesting thing to a lot of people, I get it) but it sure is moving fast, too :( February is almost over and the promise of Spring is taunting me. Especially with this spectacular view we have in our new home: Boxes filled with stuff and junk are still everywhere and things aren't as clean as I'd like them to be--but that's what life with an 8 month old baby and 3 year old are like when you move:( I distinctly remember when we moved into our prior home before having kids, I believe we had everything put away and feeling homey within one month! It has now been almost 2 months since moving in and from the looks of everything, I highly doubt this place will start to feel comfortable for another several months. ...