February Happenings

Just popping in for an obligatory update:)  I get that I probably have zero readers now due to sporadic posting and/or boring topics.  That's okay.  I know life is boring right now (well...not always, but babies aren't the most interesting thing to a lot of people, I get it) but it sure is moving fast, too :(

February is almost over and the promise of Spring is taunting me.  Especially with this spectacular view we have in our new home:

 Boxes filled with stuff and junk are still everywhere and things aren't as clean as I'd like them to be--but that's what life with an 8 month old baby and 3 year old are like when you move:(  I distinctly remember when we moved into our prior home before having kids, I believe we had everything put away and feeling homey within one month!  It has now been almost 2 months since moving in and from the looks of everything, I highly doubt this place will start to feel comfortable for another several months.

I also hope to chronicle the improvements we make to this house; it's a great house with good bones, but a little outdated.  Built in 1967 and with a mid-century mod feel to it, I am super excited to see what the future holds.  We hope and plan to be here forever :)

In baby news, Elliott (who is now waking up from his first nap) is two days shy of 8 months and as always, a little behind on the typical milestones but showing signs of getting there.  He has rolled over, but doesn't do it in front of us or consistently; he does "push-ups" that make us think he's about to crawl soon, but then gives up and lays flat on the ground, crying and screaming for mama to pick him up. He still exclusively nurses for the most part.  I've tried introducing him to solids, but he isn't too interested and I'm not going to push it until he's ready.  He's been drooling so much lately that he's developed drool rash which looks terrible.  I feel so bad but not sure what else to do to make it better.  I've applied creams, cornstarch, petroleum jelly, etc. I think we'll just have to wait it out (according to what I've read).
He is a super sweet baby, though.  Does excellent on outings and on car rides.  Likes to be held all the time, loves his sister :)  He is "talking" more, blowing bubbles and makes "boy" sounds like grunting and growling a lot!

Maddie is even feistier, if that is possible.  She is very opinionated and VERY stubborn.  It is difficult for us to get her to do anything.  I am told that this is a phase.  I hope it is.  If this is what 3 is like, I don't want to know what 13 is like...

And even though there is still so much to do around the house, I still try to take the kids out for a breather and for stimulation.  Our realtor was very kind to gift us with a membership to The Works in Newark, OH, which is a smaller version of COSI in Columbus.  We went for the first time yesterday and it impressed me!  Even though small, it was packed with stuff to do for both little kids and adults.  I added two guests to our membership on the way out so that grandma and grandpa could come along whenever they visit!

And some more pictures from this month:

Goodbye, old house!

Mmmm, yogurt!

yummy breakfast at Early Birds Breakfast

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Loves his mama

I love that she reads to him all the time!

So many deer around here!

A quick visit to my alma mater!

Thanks for reading :)


Shelley said…
Awww, your kiddos are so cute! And based on how many pictures I post of babies who aren't even mine, well, you know I don't think they're boring at all!

Super interested in your new house and what you plan to do with it - I love a good mid-century house!
Leslie said…
Congratulations on your new home! It sounds perfect for your family! I'd definitely not worry about being all moved in yet either. We moved when my daughter was 11 months and I remember feeling so overwhelmed, but not understanding why. Now I see! Moving with two littles is hard, so be gentle with yourself!
Gaby said…
Thanks, Shelley--LOTS to do around here, but I'm also excited for the ultimate end result. And thanks for being a loyal reader--you've known me since before the babies arrived! Crazy!

Thanks, Leslie:) I miss your blog!:( I know life is crazy...so many things I want to keep up with and blogging is one of them but it rarely happens, so I should talk! Thanks for the encouragement:)

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