Fall update

Wow. This thing is in need of an update:( My last post didn't end on a great note and really hinted at not-so-great things to come. As of today, my mom is still with us, but has gotten significantly worse (as if I could have imagined that was possible this past spring when things already seemed bad!). If I could have only known that her state of being was preferable to how she is now, maybe I would have appreciated our time even more. In April, she was still walking, albeit, with a lot of trouble, but walking, nonetheless. She was still able to go to the restroom by herself. Go up and down stairs very carefully. Feed herself. Today, she can do none of those things on her own. She is bedridden, wheelchair ridden; my dad has all this hospital grade equipment filling their home to assist in transferring her from bed to wheelchair to go to the bathroom, shower or to the kitchen to eat meals. She sleeps probably 20 hours a day. I remember my las...