9 months

So the little cupcake is now mobile! She started crawling around 8 1/2 months and a few days ago, pulled herself up to a stand. Other things she is doing recently: - waves bye-bye or hello - shakes head "no" lol - hands things to you - understands the word 'no' (and protests loudly!) - says 'mama' (won't be able to say 'dada' until after her surgery which is in a MONTH!) She will be 9 months tomorrow. Time needs to slow down. I can't imagine how much faster it would feel if I didn't get to stay home with her. I'll try to write more *interesting* stuff later. She finally fell asleep in my arms (really fighting sleep these days) so I'm going to put her in her crib and try to get some pumping (YES, I'M STILL PUMPING ARGH!) and practicing, and cleaning out of the way.