Easy dinner: Honey Pineapple Chicken Teriyaki Skillet

Let's talk food.

Even before kids, I think I was always on the lookout for meals that were easy to make; maaayybe once in a blue moon, I'd be up for something more challenging and time-consuming, but overall, it's always been about fast, easy and delicious.

So it's super important to me now that I have a baby-soon-to-be-walking-tornado that dinners are efficient.  But I hate to skimp on flavor so thought I'd share a recipe I recently made.

This Honey Pineapple Chicken Teriyaki Skillet got good reviews from my husband (and he's always honest about whether or not my meals are good...unfortunately, lol) so I know it's something to keep in mind for future meals.  I also added in tofu and threw in whatever nuts I had instead of cashews, since I didn't have any.

Other ideas for when I'm in a dinner slump:

- pasta, pasta, PASTA!  Ha, but no seriously...pasta is so versatile and whereas before, when I'd immediately think spaghetti and meatballs...BORING, I've since gotten creative and realized that you can pretty much toss in anything into pasta (except, maybe chocolate and swedish fish...yeah, those don't go).  My personal favorite is pasta with some sort of cream sauce.  My husband prefers marinara or bolognese.  Tonight, I'm going to make spaghetti with roasted eggplant, grape tomatoes and shredded rotisserie chicken.  I never used to be into eggplant...what a mistake!  I'm convinced that any vegetable that you THINK you may hate, may have you converted if only you'll roast it, ha!

Another staple for us is salmon.  Besides the health benefits, it can be pretty economical, too.  Yesterday I found salmon on sale for 4.99/lb, and then of course, I kicked myself when I got home for not purchasing more to freeze.  Last night, I made brown sugar/whole grain mustard salmon with sauteed baby bok choy.  If I want to cut down on the sugar/calories, I'll also broil salmon with just olive oil and kosher salt and pepper.  But I prefer the brown sugar glaze :)

I probably should have pictures of all this scrumptious food to make this post more exciting, but these days, all the pictures on my phone are of babies :/

One of these days, I swear I'll get more organized and designate specific days of the week to talk about certain topics so that I'm both keeping up with daily life's happenings AND not getting bored (and not boring YOU) with blogging in general.

Life is passing us by so fast--this blog may be the only thing in the end that I can retrieve to reminisce on the small things that I'd otherwise forget.

Are there any yummy/easy recipes you've made recently that you can share with me?


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