8 months old on Super Tuesday

My little girl turned 8 months yesterday.  I wish I could slow time down :(

Some recent developments in the last few weeks:

- she is a pro army crawler! (hasn't quite gotten the hang of actual crawling, but we're getting there)
- in the last few days I've found her sitting up in her crib--uh oh! So last night we lowered her crib.
- She can bring herself up to a sit from lying down
- Eating more and more solid foods (which means more and more REAL poop *pee-ewww*!)
- Just in general likes to get into everything and make messes!

She loooves our Yorkie, Zoe. But Zoe wants nothing to do with her!

I just want to eat her up!!!

Can't get enough BLUEBERRIES

crawling faster and FASTER. UH-OH.

Whenever I get down or worked up about the current election, I just start playing with or snuggling with my little girl and that seems to do the trick ;)

Life does, overall, seem to be getting better; more sleep, easier to go out with the baby, being able to accomplish *slightly* more as Maddie can play with her toys and seems interested in what I'm doing.  Granted, there are days when things just aren't going smoothly (can't seem to find time to shower, Maddie is EXTRA needy! etc.) and we just stay in our pj's all day. BUT--I do make sure dinner is always ready by the time Ryan is home from work.  So, there's that :/

I'll try to write more later when the baby is sleeping. Time for lunch!


Cat Simmonds said…
I'm not kidding, for months your posts wouldn't download on my phone so I didn't get to read them! Glad to see everything is going well!
Gaby said…
oh no, lol. I'm not the greatest at updating, but trying to get better! Love your updates, too, keep them coming!
Shelley said…
Your line about finding Maddie sitting up in her crib brought back a strong memory for me - when that happened with my firstborn, it made me realize for the first time that he can do things without me being there...he was becoming his own little independent person! Now, of course at this age they are completely dependent on you, but still, the inkling of it was starting and like you said, time is moving too quickly with babies!!

Maddie is just so beautiful. I'm so glad you take the time to enjoy and appreciate this time. My firstborn just turned 29 and I can still remember those early days, thankfully, and with fondness. Thanks for sharing your sweet girl with us. :)
Gaby said…
This reply is late...but thanks for commenting! you're right...hard to believe that mere months ago I had to support her head and now she can transport herself from room to room! Life is amazing in general.
Gaby said…
This reply is late...but thanks for commenting! you're right...hard to believe that mere months ago I had to support her head and now she can transport herself from room to room! Life is amazing in general.

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