A busy, but boring week

I'll be honest. I've forgotten about these blogs until now, which is why I'm terrible updating it. This week has been busy, and so will next week. We finally found a reliable renter for our condo, and so have been scrambling this week to find a new apt., hire movers, and a bunch of other crap. I don't look forward to cleaning this condo, or packing tons of boxes. BUT--I'm so excited to get out of this part of Columbus, and especially, this condo. There's nothing innately wrong with the place, but Ryan bought it with a friend before we got married, so it never felt like it was "mine". And once we decided we wanted to sell/rent it, it just became a big burden. So now we're moving to the other side of C-bus, which is closer to Ryan's work (not a huge difference for my jobs), and I'm just looking forward to the change of scenery. Even if it's still in the same city, hehe.
Yet another step closer to getting out.

As far as politics go, I really don't have anything to say, or at least, I just don't feel like getting into my thoughts about it. At this point, I'm still going to vote, but I feel more inclined to be a spectator and just sit back and see what happens. Whatever the result, I still don't expect whiners to ever go away.


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