Christmas and another Birthday :/

Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!  It honestly went by so fast.  We spent most of this week at my in-laws for the holidays and with all the different stops we had to make (his parents, grandma, and bro & sis-in -law's places) it just made each day go by so swiftly.

We left Friday after dinner since my parents were coming into town to both celebrate my birthday (today!) and to help install a new laminate floor in our basement.  Unfortunately, yesterday morning when they arrived, my dad wasn't feeling too hot, and it quickly developed into what he thinks is the flu.  Ick.  I feel so terrible that they have to go back.  We were really hoping to get this thing done before we all went back to work.
The upside, though, is that Ryan and I can at least spend the last leg of our vacation together. Family is wonderful and we love both of our families equally...but we also enjoy our alone time and sometimes, it's just nice to be in your own home and relax with one another without the pressure of having to fill every second of the day with something planned.

So anyway.  Today I turn 31. Nothing spectacular about that number.  Honestly, this year I just felt like treating like any other day.  No parties, no get togethers, not even going out.  I was seriously so spoiled this Christmas, it feels almost sinful to even expect anything on my birthday!

Well, for Christmas I got everything on my list plus more.  In fact, I'm writing this post on one of my gifts....a new Surface tablet:)  Seriously love this thing. 

My mother-in-law went above and beyond with all my gifts; one of my favorites, though, are my TOMS wedge booties.  SO comfortable for a shoe with a heel--I wore them all week long.  I'm thinking of getting another in a different color.

Also got a new Northface jacket as an early birthday gift from Ryan.  That, among many other gifts, made for an extremely extravagant Christmas.  Not to mention all the holiday eating and going out we did.  Plus all the chocolate and other goodies I got from students--I'm sure I felt my love handles expanding this week.  Good thing I got a yoga DVD for Christmas!  I had asked for Yogalosophy which is the yoga workout Jennifer Aniston does.  Never thought I would like Yoga, but after doing the P90X yoga workout, I've been itching to try more.

As of now, no plans for New Years.  I'm just looking forward to cuddling with the hubs, eating some take-out and watching Netflix until it's time to go back to work:)

Hope you all had a wonderful holiday with your loved ones and have a safe New Years!


Shelley said…
Happy Birthday! Hey, not every birthday has to be a huge event, but you deserve to be celebrated, so I'm raising an imaginary glass to you today. :)
Gaby said…
Aw, you are so sweet Shelley! Thank you:)

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