February Update

Yikes!  Nearly a month since I last posted!  Not sure what it is, but lately I just haven't felt like writing anything.

What's been happening lately:

- Mother nature tricking us into thinking the polar vortex had made its last appearance with temps almost in the 60s last weekend (!!!!)....only to face really cold, windy weather this entire week.  Not cool.  But while it lasted, we took a trip to Lancaster, OH and visited the Rockmill Brewery.  What a cool place.  And I don't even like beer!  They encourage you to bring your own food and find a place anywhere to sit.  We chose to sit outside by the firepit and a view of their lake.

Sorry...I was an idiot and didn't actually take a pic of the premises. What was I thinking?! Clearly, my focus was on the food.

And while we're on the subject of food, breakfast from yesterday, and last night's dinner:

Scrambled eggs with onions, tomatoes and spinach always does the trick, as does fresh French-pressed coffee.

Blackened chicken with avocado cream sauce over Israeli couscous--stolen from Pinterest, of course!

This weekend's plans are a few makeups to be done, then a church interview to become a member (FINALLY found one I feel comfortable in and forcing myself to become more involved already!). Then on Sunday after church, making a chicken pot pie to bring to a friend who just had a baby.

Speaking of babies, I've talked before about how badly I want them... but how it's just not in the cards with where we're at in life right now; I think Ryan has felt the pressure from me (uggghh, I'm sorry I'm THAT wife--never wanted to be the *naggy* kind) much more than I realized, because he's kind of been obsessed with downsizing and buying one of these:

A TINY HOME.  Ever see one of these??  I'm intrigued... but also not very sure how I feel about it.  Growing up in a very frugal family, I'm all for downsizing and saving money and being smart about what's actually necessary for living this life.... but I'm still not sure about this idea...

At any rate, that is Ryan's brilliant solution to our desire to have children--get rid of stuff, lower our mortgage (or just don't have one) and cram into a smaller space.  I know people will think this is crazy; but to be on his side for just a moment-- right now, we live in a  1200 sq. Ft ( or so) townhome and it's just the two of us.  And I have a pretty hard time keeping it clean all the time.  AND since moving back in here four years ago (after renting it out for awhile), we have accumulated quite a bunch of stuff.  And I HATE clutter.  Absolutely hate it. 
This very well may be our future.

But for now, it's just talk.

I'll leave you with a rare picture a friend took of the both of us at the brewery:


Valerie said…
Honestly, I love that downsizing idea. It's something I've considered more than once, but I don't think I could ever convince the husband to go for it. That said, I also love the fact that we have a basement for inclement weather and a guest room for when family visits. Yes, cleaning would be easier if we had less stuff, but I'm learning to cope with what we have. I do tend to do a yearly purging of the things, though. It's nice to get rid of stuff sometimes!

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