Writing to you from...an apartment.

So just like many of my many favorite bloggers out there, I too, seem to be slowly falling off the face of the earth.

I'm still here.  Just like I know you all are out there somewhere, too.  We all have lives, and taking some extra time to sit down and type out stuff that sometimes you think: "who the heck even cares to read this... why should I even care?" seems too insignificant and bothersome in light of the real stuff that we need to tend to in our everyday lives.

But then, writing can be therapeutic and purging.  Not that you have to write about anything personal--but just getting something out there can be a surprisingly gratifying release.

I know I mentioned we were in the process of selling our condo and looking for a house.  We're now in the middle stage of all that.

Sitting on the patio of our temporary apartment, typing away.

We thought we would be waiting for a very long time to sell our condo, but as it turned out, the opposite problem happened.  We got an offer on our place the first day it was on the market (full asking price!) and we were then left with no where to live.  (After almost 3 months of house hunting, that is still the case, hence a temporary apartment until we close on a house.)

We close on the condo tomorrow afternoon (supposed to, at least; there have been lots of little annoying bumps along the way) and then we can fully focus on finding a house of our own.

With all this moving and realizing just how much stuff we own (that really isn't necessary!) I have an incredible urge to go through all our things and sell or give them away.  Problem I'm fearing, though, is when we do get a house, I'll have to resist the urge to want to fill it all up again.  Even after five days, we are still moving stuff out of the condo, clearing it out for the walk through tomorrow morning.  How much stuff do two people really need in this life?!

I hope to get back to writing slightly more regularly.  I miss all my regular reads who are now gone, but I know you're there :)

Until next time...


Anonymous said…
I've been purging a lot while my husband is deployed, it's a great feeling. I keep thinking I'll write in my blog, but most days I feel grumpy with my husband gone and I don't want to write whiny entries!
Gaby said…
Your posts always inspire me to learn more about personal finances and retirement planning, lol. My husband seems to be on top of that, but I know I need to do a little better in that area, as well.
I understand what you mean about not wanting to write when you feel like whining. I don't mind people's "whiny" posts, though!

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