A Delightful Visit from a Friend

I had this past Monday and Tuesday off so I could have some time to entertain my good college buddy (the one who got married last summer in Colorado) who was in Ohio for someone else's wedding over the weekend. Originally, the plan was for her to come on Sunday afternoon and spend Monday and Tuesday here (with plans to visit Cincinnati somewhere in there) but then we thought it made more sense for her to go to Cincinnati before coming here. In the end, I was so happy it worked out that way, because I had NO time whatsoever over the weekend to clean the house or do anything, really. I had two rehearsals and two concerts Friday and Sunday; I taught literally all day Saturday. So when I had Monday all to myself, it was a wonderful change to know I had nowhere to be but home, and could take my time cleaning and grocery shopping. By the time my friend and her husband arrived at midnight Monday, the house was quiet and ready for her visit! Wow, did I miss her! ...