Fall Stuff

Have to make this short as I need to start cleaning ASAP for out of town guests coming later.

Since September started, things have increasingly gotten busier:  more students, more rehearsals/concerts, more practicing... more everything.  Arrrghghgh!  I love Fall so much, but I wish it could be a season of "slowing down" rather than speeding up.  I'm all for slowing down.

Ooh, also keep forgetting that I signed up for the Columbus half marathon way back in February, and back then it felt like I had forever to train for it... and it's coming up in a few weeks.  Yessss.  I am SO not ready.  I went on a few measly, slow and scant runs the past few weeks that were not too encouraging.  However, I am pinning my hopes on the fact that the last half marathon I completed was in a very hilly city (Cincinnati) AND got slammed with my period basically on race day and was frieking miserable the whole time and STILL finished at a decent time, even with 3 restroom breaks.  Contrast that with this upcoming race:  Columbus is flat--totally flat--and it's October, not May, so weather is nicer; I do not expect my "special time" to occur... but sometimes Mother Nature can be cruel and cunning, so who knows.  With those factors, and the known fact now that I always do better in a race than I do training solo, I hope that it won't be a miserable day.

Off to do some much needed grocery shopping, and to also look for PUMPKINS!

Until next time.


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