October update

So tomorrow is November 1st and I haven't written anything in over a month.  What have I been doing?  Well, the biggest thing that happened during October was the Columbus half marathon which I ran (with nearly no training, unfortunately) a few weeks ago.  I was pretty nervous about it but ended up running it slightly faster (I think?) than my last half marathon, which was the Cincinnati Flying Pig in 2012.  That was a terrible day in that I felt pretty awful physically.  So even though I felt MUCH better for this last half, the no-training-part kind of made both experiences equal, I suppose.  Still, I had always wanted to try the Columbus half, I did it--and maaaybbee I'll do it again, but who knows.  Not sure how I'll feel about it next year.

Then this past weekend, some old friends from college and their two young kids visited from Cincinnati and spent a good three days with us, so the house was filled with quite a bit of noise (our dogs are not used to kids!!).  It was jarringly quiet when they left Tuesday morning :(. I anticipated their visit all of October and it went by so quickly!  I hate that feeling!  Same with holidays and other get-togethers. But I suppose that's what keeps life moving and gives us all something to look forward to, right?

And last night, I had a blast passing out candy with our next door neighbors--Joe and Gloria--and just sitting in their driveway talking about our lives as kids came up (TOTALLY forgot to take pictures!). This was really my first "passing out candy as an adult" experience as kids NEVER came to our door when we used to live in a condo.  I was probably unreasonably excited about this Halloween!  I'm not sure if it's because my mother forbade us from celebrating Halloween when we were growing up or what, but this really might be one of my favorite times of year. The candy, the weather, the colors--all of it.

Next up, Thanksgiving!  Sadly, this year I probably won't be doing much cooking.  I stretched myself pretty thin last Thanksgiving, there was WAY too much food for everyone, and I think I may have unintentionally stolen the hostess' (my mother) thunder.  So this year I was instructed that my services were not needed, and that I should enjoy the time off and rest, which is exactly what I'm going to do!

Have a good weekend!


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