
Madeline Viola. Born July 1st at 8:02pm, 5 lbs, 12oz.


Cat Simmonds said…
OMG, she is perfect! And the name! As a violist myself, I have a tear in my eye! Congrats, mommy!
Shelley said…
What a beauty!!! Congratulations!!! Love her full name, and what a sweet size. My first baby was 5 lbs 13 oz - they look so tiny, don't they? Hope you both are doing well!
Gaby said…
Thank you! We always loved the name Madeline, and Viola is his grandmother's name...but the reference to the instrument as we are both violinists is appropriate, too:)
Gaby said…
Thanks, Shelley! Yes she is teeny but loooves to eat so she is filling out day by day. We are very in love with her...especially my husband. It's been so fun to watch the transformation since he really wanted a son. Now, he's enamored by her!
Bmore Bungalow said…
Congratulations! I hope the days ahead filled with lots of joy, and adequate sleep :-)

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