Random Friday

Happy Friday!

So many things swirling around in my head, don't know what to write about first.  First thought, though:  How DO bloggers with kids do it?!?!  My explanation on how I can get out a post is when Maddie is down for a nap.  But even then, I'm usually scurrying to get something important done, like prepping for dinner, throwing some laundry in the wash, or just catching a quick shower!

Today, though, we are planning on staying indoors.  I plan on thawing some meatloaf that I discovered was in our fridge, kindly and quietly left there by my husband's grandmother who visited last weekend (along with my mother in law and my parents).  Everyone came to attend a kids concert I was playing in.  It was also Maddie's first classical concert!  Afterwards, we all went to lunch at our usual spot, Nazareth Mediterranean restaurant.  Unfortunately, the buzz in Columbus today is about an attack that occurred last night at our beloved spot.  http://www.cbsnews.com/news/machete-attack-nazareth-restaurant-columbus-ohio-stabbing/

Crazy and scary to think we were just there days ago, and sitting at a table near the door.  Already, people from both ends of the political spectrum are giving their two cents on the matter.  The left saying, "don't jump to conclusions...just a random attack", the right saying "it's an act of terror".  Unfortunately, as details become more available, one has to use a little logic.  The name of the attacker is now revealed to be Mohammed Barry.  That's all I'll say about that.

In baby news, Maddie is in "mimic" mode.  It is SOOO fun!  I was sick last week and developed a cough.  I noticed that she would cough when I did, and then I tried doing it on purpose, and she'd flash this smirk and fake cough. Ha!  So I've been trying other gestures to see if she'd copy them, too.  So far, she can "dance" and hug when I spread my arms out and ask for a hug.  She even pats my shoulder as we're hugging.  Too stinkin' cute, I can't stand it!

I am still pumping milk, but cut it down to four times a day, which is more manageable, for sure.  I take my showers at night after Maddie is asleep, to make the most of any free time I have during the day.  Most days, we play on the floor, Skype with the grandparents, go out on errands, watch lots of Food network and HGTV and just snuggle.  I love these days.  Don't want them to end.

Anyone doing anything special for Valentines Day?  We usually don't, although in the past, if I felt like it, I'd make a special dinner or treats for Ryan.  I may do that this weekend.

Well, I should finish my late breakfast and coffee before the baby wakes up from her morning nap.  More hugs and snuggles on the way!


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