Ok, how is it that we are only 10 days away from Madeline's 1st birthday?!! I am in awe at how the time has flown (and yet some days feel like they will never end).

I've decided to keep things as simple and stress-free for myself and just host a small birthday brunch on a Saturday morning for family and neighbors. I plan on making quiches ahead of time and freezing them, and some other fun brunch appropriate items; my mom will be taking care of the birthday cake and helping me clean/decorate.  I'm so excited!

This past weekend was Maddie's first out of state trip to KY for Ryan's family reunion . She did so well on the car ride to and from. We broke up the 4 hour trip with lunch stops in Cincinnati and she was a champ both times. On the way down, we ate lunch at Krueger's where we ate amazing burgers and the ambience was nice, too. On the way back home, we hit a few bumps on our attempts to eat lunch with friends in the area (babies not allowed in one establishment due to it being a smoking allowed restaurant...I thought those were obsolete?! And then the next place got an electricity outage after we placed our orders) and had to just laugh it off and presume a Higher Power simply didn't intend for us to eat in that area! So we really didn't get to chat much with our friends, plus Maddie was getting tired, so we hit the road again and picked up fast food.
Maddie had a great time in KY with Ryan's family and her two boy cousins. We ate, hiked, played and were pleasantly surprised by how smitten our oldest nephew was with Maddie. Her cousins are several years older than her so we always figure they'll have no interest in playing with her. But Michael, who's seven, just couldn't get enough and it was great to have an extra pair of hands to watch her willingly if I needed to do something use the bathroom, ha!

In other news, I stopped pumping completely. It was sooner than I had planned, but really, after her surgery it just got more difficult. I think it was for the best. This was the first trip where I didn't have to pack the dang pump machine and it was GREAT. I did get a clog while we were down there but it wasn't too bad, and I got it out with the manual pump as soon as we arrived home. I was confused at first as to why my milk tasted sooo salty, but then I read that weaned milk tends to lose lactose and is higher in sodium, which is also why perhaps some babies wean sooner than others... it tastes weird to them!  In our case, we switched to solely formula sometime in the beginning of June and honestly, I don't think Maddie cared either way. So that made me feel less guilty, lol.  Ok, gotta take care of some stuff, but hope to write more later on some things.


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