Monday thoughts

Hi! How was everyone's weekend? It rained constantly here in Columbus, thwarting Ryan's plans to go bike riding with a friend who was visiting from Cincinnati with his family. Instead, we all just went out for a late lunch and had ice cream afterwards. Just lazily hung out before they left Sunday evening.  We really do love hanging out with friends and family, but there's nothing quite like having the house to yourself again, just being able to breathe and relax in the quiet and normalcy of your family's old routine.
Today, the only thing on the agenda is teaching my two students who come to my home on Monday afternoons. Pretty soon we will switch to Saturday mornings when school starts. I can't rave enough about how much more pleasant teaching from my own home is. No wasted time driving to a studio, no more pay cuts (plus my students still pay less and I get more since I have no overhead like a studio does) and things are just more laid back in my home. My students' and their mom also like playing with Maddie while I teach one sister, and then they'll switch off. So far, the system works! And although we're at the point, I suppose, where it's not necessary for me to bring in a second income, I really do miss "contributing". More than that, I miss interacting with other people and feeling like I have more to offer in addition to my motherly duties and responsibilities. Not complaining at all about being a mom to Maddie. Not one bit; but is it wrong to want a little more?!

Besides my tenosynovitis, which is the last of my post pregnancy symptoms to make its exit, I am back to feeling"normal". Pretty soon after I stopped pumping for good my cycle returned. I never thought I'd be so happy for my monthly"friend" (too much TMI, I know...sorry!) but it was just another reassurance that nature resolves itself and all is fine.

I'll leave a picture of the babe eating some ice cream on a very hot day last week. There was a food truck festival downtown this weekend. We tried out an Argentine truck with the grandparents (my mom is Argentine), rode the carousel twice, and ended it with Graeters ice cream.

Have a great Monday!


Shelley said…
I got to play with a 10 month old baby over the weekend, so fun! Although, as I watched the mama continually have to check on her roving, almost-walking baby, I was reminded of how much work goes into being the mom of a little one; I'd say you are contributing WAY more than you realize. Have you heard that saying "if the kids are alive at the end of the day, I've done my job"? - true!
Gaby said…
Lol, thanks for that reminder, Shelley! I guess it's easy to get sucked into today's mixed messages from society on moms and just women, in general. When my husband watches maddie for, say, an hour while I do something else, as he hands her back he'll mutter back something about how tiring that hour was. I just have to laugh :p
Leslie said…
It sounds like you have a great schedule going on for your teaching! I also agree with Shelley's comments about contributing. :) Also, so glad you are feeling more normal. It definitely takes time, doesn't it?!

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