September Happenings

As we approach the middle of Maddie's 14th month, it seems like too many things are happening way too fast for me to remember and record.  We wondered what would be next after walking...well...RUNNING!  Of course!  And also, trying to jump (*shakes head*) :P  She gives tighter, more purposeful hugs, and blows kisses (well, she starts by kissing her hand, but hasn't figured out how to actually "blow" the kiss to you, so she just ends up covering her whole face with her palm); understands pretty much everything we say, but is still slow on speaking actual words, which we were expecting from what the ENT and cleft palate team told us.  I've read that as long as she is communicative and understands what we're trying to communicate, she should be fine.

So, we've got more going on these next two months than the whole summer.  Mostly in the form of visitors.  Tonight, Ryan is picking up Max--an old family friend who was an exchange student my parents hosted when I was in my sophomore year of college.  Max is now a lawyer doing in internship in D.C.  He is from Germany (but of course speaks English better than the rest of us!) and has gotten very close to my parents over the years, so he considers us his second family.  He hasn't met Maddie yet, so we're looking forward to him seeing her and catching up on what he's been up to.

And then next week, my cousin from Argentina, whom I haven't seen in over 10 years, is visiting my parents along with his wife and 16 month old daughter, Ema.  Since Ema and Maddie are second cousins so close in age, we are all very eager for them to meet.  It's special to us that we both have first borns who are so close in age.  Maybe someday I can take Maddie to Argentina to meet everyone else there.

After that, I have rehearsals and a concert...a work event at Ryan's company...trying to squeeze in time to see friends...and then a wedding the whole family is attending in Philadelphia.  It will be Maddie's first wedding and we'll be seeing relatives we haven't seen in a long time.  So lots of good stuff coming up (at least, for this SAHM who generally has a mundane schedule 24/7!) to look forward to.

With that, I should get going and clean up while Maddie finishes up her nap.  Then it is off to the store to get ingredients for yummy lasagna for dinner tonight.  Enjoy your day!


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