Playing a little catch-up here with pictures from last month and this month. I can NOT believe we are less than two weeks away from Maddie's 2nd birthday!
Basically, the past two months or so have been a busy blur of regular story times at the library, play dates at my church and elsewhere; going to the zoo, visiting the in-laws and my own family more often for short day trips or weekends. Currently, Maddie is sleeping heavily after a morning of vomiting out of the blue. Sigh. I'm slightly worried as she's never really been sick, and the past few weeks she's been eating less and being more picky. I chalked it up to her being almost two and going through so many changes that I simply cannot keep up with. But maybe it's something else, I'm not sure. I was just wondering the other day how lucky I was that I hadn't yet experienced a kid throwing up in the car on our way somewhere--woops! No longer a Puking Toddler Virgin!! So that was fun.
This past weekend, I celebrated Fathers Day with my dad and mom at their house. It was a pretty laid back visit--hanging out at the house, shopping at Target, eating Chipotle and ice cream; and then church on Sunday followed by a Chinese buffet and a short stop at the mall.
My mom is a little better, energy wise. She was able/willing to go out more this last visit, so that made all of us glad. She's still taking lots of cat naps and personality-wise...well...I'm going to attribute it to the cancer...but she is WAY more pessimistic and negative than I ever remember her being. She just has low patience right now and we're all giving her space for that. It's definitely different on my end, as I've always had the type of relationship with my mom to speak my mind, as she always encouraged me to tell her if anything bothered me, since basically I was a little girl. Of course, I've followed up on her advice ever since then! For sure, there have been times I should have kept my mouth shut, but it's simply not in my nature to keep things inside if something is bothering me (if that isn't obvious already). So to hold back when my mom says something insensitive or even outright mean, is a huge lesson in humility and meekness for me.
But let's talk about the person who--let's face it--brings sunshine with her everywhere she goes: my precious Maddie!
This kid's going to be two years old on July 1st. She is all sass and is super opinionated. She gets it from Ryan, for sure. The sass...well, that's on me :)
Her favorite things to say are: "'s MINE" and "What's That?!" (a gazillion times a day) as well as singing the Little Johnny song (I substitute her name with Johnny, so she sings "Maddie, Maddie..." constantly) and Twinkle, Twinkle.
Her favorite shows are Peppa Pig and Sarah & Duck; also enjoys the Baby Bum series of nursery rhymes.
We're still being vigilant on her speech and vocabulary as she has her two year speech study coming up and I'm nervous that maybe she's not on par with the average child. Other days, she talks all day long and I feel silly for worrying.
Other things she likes to say:
-Uppit ("Open it")
-Car-awsh ("car wash")
- Mama and Papa's house (grandma and grandpa's house)
-Maddie's house, blue house (our home is blue!)
- Bapple Boosh ("Apple juice")
- Boo-boo and Boobies (yes...she now knows that mommy has "boobies" *rolls eyes*)
- aksdkfkdskCYCLE (Bicycle! Lol, at least she can say the end of it okay...everything before it is gibberish)
And she knows so many other single words, nouns, adjectives, adverbs and pronouns that I can't remember off the top of my head. So perhaps, I really shouldn't worry all that much.
She's also been going through the terrible twos for what feels like the last six months, haha. It gets harder the bigger she gets, but I'm still loving the whole mom thing. I am totally ready for another, ha!
It's summer and besides her birthday, we've got a ball game coming up and mostly just hanging out with friends and family. We may or may not go on vacation this year--it's still undecided.
Until next time,
I thought this head wrap and aviator sunglasses from Babies R' Us were so cute. But they never stay on for long :( |
Maddie got her first violin. She never wants to practice. Go figure. |
Grandma had been wanting to get Maddie a violin for a long time, so this made her happy. |
Hot day at the zoo last month |
I thought we were ready for potty training...not so much. |
Summer story time at my church always ends with BUBBLES! |
Moms' play date at the church |
Maddie's new neighbor friend, Luci |
She came up to me and said, "Look, Mommy...OCKETS!" |
She likes it when Grandma sits on her, lol |
Attempting to take a nap with Grandpa, but too excited to sleep! |
While I was getting ready in the bathroom, she raided my lipstick drawer and said, "I GOT IT...these are MINE!" Yes, I am amazed that this not-yet-two-year-old, with her tiny little voice can TALK. Where did my baby go?!?! |