August in pictures!

Some pictures from end of July and most of August! *warning: picture overload!*

Mommy had her six month check-up and surprisingly, Maddie was ready for her first "check-up" too!

Dancing hard during the last story time at our church for the summer

A July get together with Maddie's friends, Luke and Oliver, who also turned 2 in July!

Being anti-social at our local library's storytime:/

Okay, maybe I can join in...

A day at Wildwoods playground in Granville, OH

The swings are Maddie's favorite!

"Look, mommy! I did it!" (One of her favorite things to say now)

Cool suspending bridge

Can grown ups play here, too?!

So cool

Steering the boat

Look, mommy! I'm wearing your glasses!

Giant butterfly cookie at Whole Foods

Lunch at Brewdog in Canal Winchester, OH

I'd like to let you know that I had the "President Not Sure" cocktail :) (and if you don't know what I'm referring "Idiocracy")

The car wash!


A blurry photo of Maddie's 10 second violin practice session :)

Practicing baseball with "Papa"

She loves Papa and he loves Maddie!

Running through the splash pad at Easton Town Centre

Ryan making yummy fried rice on his new griddle (and a little white wine for mama on a Friday:P)

So good

Saturday night out at Brio with all our neighbors. Love our neighborhood!


Shelley said…
AWWW! Love the update and all the pictures - Maddie is so cute and just doing so much!

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