Is it a boy or girl? Read on to find out;)

Hi! Just wanted to pop in quickly to share updates on life. It's passing so quickly I can barely remember what happened a few days ago:(

1. Well, for starters we found out on Friday that we're having...a BOY! I wasn't hoping for either gender more than the other (just desperately hoping for a healthy one) but now that we know, I have to say I am so excited to experience something different! Although not sure how very different it will be from Maddie...she is blossoming into a tomboy!
I'm definitely showing more this second time around and a little anxious at how much bigger I'll get by July...not sure I'll make it by then! I might explode:(

2. I was hoping to slow down more to concentrate on potty training Maddie and also get some small house projects done before baby gets here, but looking at the calendar for March, it looks like we are jam packed:( I am always torn between wanting to keep maddie and myself busy and wanting to just chill at home and teach her stuff (we are hopeful we can get her reading soon...she is spelling everything in sight and knows her alphabet inside and out, and her memory is insane.  I know we need to take more advantage of that!)
So perhaps AFTER March, we will keep activities close to home.

3. I was glad to recycle all the maternity clothes from three years ago that have been in storage until lately...but I am STILL uncomfortable:( this belly is just getting too big. I can't wait until real warmer weather arrives so I can live in maxi dresses and skirts. I keep switching between two pairs of maternity leggings I own, but I need more. Most pants are too long for me since I am five feet tall...any suggestions from other moms on where to find inexpensive comfortable maternity leggings or skinny jeans (still want to be fashionable even if I feel like a whale!)?

That's it for now. I keep thinking of so many different things to write about but my brain is all over the place, not to mention it is kind of a pain to write posts on my mini smartphone :/

Hope to not wait as long to write the next one!


Shelley said…
A boy, how sweet! I'm with you, as long as it's a healthy baby, gender doesn't matter.
Leslie said…
Congratulations! I'm so excited for you all! Also, yay for Maudie knowing her alphabet already! Smart girl! I think Target has petite maternity leggings that are supposed to be good, so you could give them a try!
Gaby said…
Thanks, Shelley and Leslie!

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