20 weeks --halfway there!

Actually, I'm almost 22 weeks now!  About a week ago, I started drafts of all the topics I wanted to post on...and then forgot to finish:(

So both pregnancies for me, overall, have been very by the book and typical. While I was one of the lucky ones who didn't experience morning sickness, I definitely feel GOOD in my second trimester right now. Every so often, I do get up earlier than normal because baby boy likes to move! It's getting hard to ignore the flutters now.

We aren't really doing too much in the way of preparing for this new arrival, simply because we don't need to! I found quite a bit of gender neutral, and even baby boy clothes, that belonged to Maddie; and other friends with boys have offered their hand me downs,  which is a huge blessing. I won't even need to buy a new car seat as a friend offered hers since she can't resell, but it's practically new since her last kid is a year old. Works for me!
So I guess we are pretty predictable in our chill attitude towards this second kid's arrival, but no less excited than with Maddie, for sure!

I am also looking forward to warmer weather with spring and summer as I get bigger (and less mobile:( ) and can wear more comfortable clothing. I am very glad both babies so far are summer babies as I always thought it would be less than desirable to be pregnant and go into labor in the dead of winter!

In the meantime,  my to do list with things to accomplish around the house is looming over my head. I am getting near to the nesting phase and hope I can become more motivated to do my spring cleaning in a few weeks, as well as small DIY projects I'd like to do before baby comes.

In the meantime, enjoying sunny days and life with my sweet girl!


Shelley said…
I love how relaxed you are about this - and I'm so happy the pregnancy is going well!

Maddie looks adorable with her violin. I can't believe how big she is already...it goes so fast!

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