Elliott update: 7 weeks old!!

What a difference it is to go from one kid to two, as is evident from my blog absence for almost two months:/
I was fully expecting a newborn baby to be a handful for me--and it IS work, don't get me wrong-- but it's the THREE YEAR OLD who is keeping me on my toes!!!:/ This has been a big change for us; some days Ryan comes home from work and I'm still in my pj's,  and other days I somehow manage to shower, dress and put makeup on AND have even made meals for some other new mommies at my church (because I looove cooking for other people! I seriously do!). So each day varies.

This time around, the time feels like it's zipping by even faster and I know that's a fact because I have taken fewer pictures of Elliott than I did of Maddie, which makes me incredibly sad. Time just gets away from me, and I often get overwhelmed with all the other things I'd like to accomplish (like not drown in laundry at least for a few days a week, and actually clean my disgusting bathroom).
But hey, I'm writing now, so lets not waste any more time on regrets!

Elliott's one month stats:

This boy loves to eat!  He went from 6 lbs even at birth to 9 lbs at his last checkup. He is now 7 weeks and I suspect he is over 11 lbs now.
He outgrew his newborn clothes and diapers after a few weeks and is almost too big now for size 1 diapers. He wears 3 month clothing now.

We're hearing more coos from him, but no smiles yet, which is making me anxious because I remember Maddie smiling at this age. Also seeing other people's pictures of their babies on facebook (I know...I shouldn't compare!) smiling gets me worried that something is wrong. But he just might be a serious dude:p
Everything else seems normal and is going very well. He eats well, is sleeping more, growing like a weed and is becoming more alert to his surroundings.
He's also still a mama's boy:( unfortunately I haven't been able to sleep in my own bed and am co sleeping with Elliott in the guest room/nursery, as that is the only way both of us will get any sleep. I try putting him in his crib and walking away--and he'll be fast asleep when I do it-- but as soon as I walk away, he's screaming bloody murder, which can only be fixed with mama snuggles.

Maddie is doing well with her brother, which makes me so relieved and happy.  We've tried out best to give equal if not more attention to her since the baby's birth. Since her 3rd birthday party was scheduled the day after I gave birth, instead of cancelling, which everyone would have understood, we went ahead and kept the party on. I'm glad we did, plus, Ryan's family got to see the baby the same weekend...perfect timing!

Well, as much as I want to write more, two kids are demanding my attention.  So I'll leave you with some pictures from the last several weeks:)


Shelley said…
Oh he is a cute baby! And I love the pictures of Elliott and Maddie together - it's fun to see such a huge size difference. I missed the birth post; in checking the date, I was with my son as he closed on his first house. It goes fast, I'm telling you. Glad you are enjoying your baby and of course sweet Maddie. Congratulations on becoming a family of four!

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