Some news!


Major update needed!

So Thanksgiving, Christmas, Elliott's half-birthday and my 36th birthday, and New Year's have already passed.

What's new?

Well, for one...we're moving!

Yep.  The whole month of December was one.big.whirlwind.  Ugh.  And it's not over yet.  Long story short:  we were casually internet "window shopping" for houses and just stumbled upon our dream home in our dream town just outside of Columbus.  Bigger home, better school district, lovely village...and all the right doors just opened for it to work out to the present time where we are now in contract ready to close soon, and already have a buyer for our current home, which only lasted on the market two days.  Very thankful there haven't been any hiccups so far, and pray that it continues to stay that way until we're moved in and settled!  It will be awhile until I decide to post any pictures.  I am increasingly becoming more cognizant of privacy issues and I go back and forth all the time on whether I should continue to write anything on this blog at all.  I  know I could always make it private, but then my skeptical side asks, "Is anything really private nowadays?"  I mean, Google already knows everything about me, who am I kidding?  Might as well as have an appreciative blog audience ;P

But we'll see.

Maddie and Elliott are growing up so fast.  I can't believe it.  Maddie is old enough to argue with me and to sit still while I read her Nancy Drew mysteries (I know!)...but still toddler enough to throw epic tantrums anytime, anywhere!

Elliott will be 7 months in less than two weeks and STILL isn't rolling over, but he can sit up, reach for things and he has the BEST laugh.  More like a baby Santa Claus..."ho, ho, ho"  He smiles all the time and his greatest joy is to just be around his family and get some attention:)

2018 was a good year.  But it was also filled with some sadness.  The month of December found me going to two funerals both within two weeks of each other for friends who attended the same church.  Both had cancer.  Both too young.  One was younger than me and had children our kids' age.  He left behind a wife--my friend--and two beautiful children.  His celebration of life service was 3 days before Christmas.  We will miss him.

Cancer all around.  It seems like it's hitting everyone.  I'm trying so hard to stay positive for myself, my kids and the whole family...but I can't help but feel scared wondering, "Will I be next? My husband or my kids?"  I know.  The best we can all do is enjoy the present, be kind to each other, love each other and love God.  But it's still hard.  I'm only human.

A side note on my mom's condition:  She is still doing as well as we could hope for.  No major decline or news to tell of.  She still is so tired, but I am so incredibly grateful that she hasn't suffered any pain throughout all of this, much less any major deficiencies.  She forgets things sometimes, but other than that, she's still my mom and we cherish the time we have had and will continue to have with her.  This April will be two years since she was diagnosed with Glioblastoma, stage 4 brain cancer.

There is supposed to be a major snow storm in the midwest this weekend.  I hope it's not as bad as everyone is making it out to be.  If you're getting hit, stay safe and warm!  Will try to post more often with pictures!  Time flies!


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