Thinking of Past Violin Teachers

Today, as I was driving to work, I started thinking about all my past violin teachers that influenced me throughout different phases of my life.  In particular, I was thinking of my very first teacher and how the last time I spoke to her, she didn't seem to be in a very good place.  I was depressed when I got off the phone with her and I've tried getting in touch with her since then, to no avail.

I was thinking about what a large part she played--as well as all my other teachers, later on--in my life and I wondered if she was aware of her influence.  I wish I could find her and tell her.  Several months ago, I thought I had found her address and sent a Christmas card, but I never heard back nor was the letter sent back so I have no way of knowing if I got the right person or address.
I started my first lesson with Ms. Urban when I was three years old.  She must have been the age I am now, in her late twenties or so.  I spent the next six years with her and for reasons I'm not quite sure of today, I left to start lessons with a Ukrainian man who expressed dissatisfaction with my bow hold and the Suzuki method that I had been brought up on until he came along.  During my transition from Ms. Urban to Mr. Subchak, all I knew was that there was a lot of tension between her and myself and my mother.  I stopped lessons with her when I was nine years old and didn't see or talk to her again until right before my wedding when I was 23.  Two years after that, I spoke to her on the phone where she poured out her problems about her finances, her living situation and how she wasn't really teaching anymore.  I was in the middle of meeting someone else, so I had to cut our conversation off and I felt horrible about it.  That was the last time I spoke to her.

I think often about all my teachers; I realize that to some I may have just been "another student" passing through their studio and two or three may have some or no recollection of me today.  As for the others, I know they remember me.  That Ukrainian teacher ended up being one of my dearest instructors and we still keep in touch through cards throughout the year and the occasional meeting when I visit Canton.  He enjoys hearing about my teaching stories and we swap tips about what methods and pieces our students are currently on.  He still actively plays and I know he is pleased that I am, too.

Do you have any past teachers that stick out in your memory that you were/are fond of and do you still keep in touch with them?


My teacher from age 2 1/2 through high school (with a 2-3 year break around jr. high age) was my dad. My daughters now consider him their "other" teacher, because part of our visits with him usually include a lesson. My other favorite teacher (from college) died suddenly a few years ago, but we kept in touch via Christmas cards before that. He was a huge influence on me, and I wish I had let him know that in a more definitive way.

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