I'm a grammar dork, I know.

Okay--I know this is a confusing one, otherwise I wouldn't be seeing this all over the place--but I just read ANOTHER incorrect(?) usage of the pronoun "I" with a proper noun, as in "Ryan and I's favorite restaurant". Did something change in the rules of English grammar recently and maybe I fell asleep while it was being taught in class? Am I crazy? What's wrong with playing it safe and saying "OUR favorite restaurant" or maybe "Ryan's and MY favorite restaurant"??

And just in case there are those guilty of doing this (I'm not judging, just educating!), here's another one I hear quite often but hesitate to correct directly for fear of embarrassing the person:

IRREGARDLESS is not a word!!  It's, "REGARDLESS", no "IR" is necessary:)

Thank you.


I'm guilty, not of the ones you mentioned, well not recently. Anways, I recently CAUGHT myself going , get ready... ( My head is lowered in shame as I relive the episode)... " I likeded". Ouch, I guess this what I get for makng fun of all those brooklyn girls for so long, they unknowingly turned me into one of them. On the plus, side the moment I caught it, I was able to play it off, and blame the brooklyn girls for it of course.

Love this post....even if it's educating me against my will.

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