A Pinterest-Laden Month

Now that I'm on the smartphone bandwagon, I've been spending a pathetic amount of time on Pinterest.  Mostly, I'm collecting recipes because even with all the food channels, magazines and blogs out there, I STILL am at a loss at times on what to make for dinner.  And now that I'm teaching a little later (more than I'd like to...but I'm a pushover and can't say "no" sometimes) the need to prepare dinner ahead of time is more dire than ever.

So I thought I'd keep track of what I've been making lately, courtesy of Pinterest:

1.  Homemade Falafel:    I normally don't go for falafels--and my husband loooves them--but the other day I was craving them, had all the ingredients, and I have to say this was really, really good. Especially with the tahini sauce.  Highly recommend trying this recipe.

2.  Russian Cucumber and Radish Salad:  After being married for nearly 7 years, I recently discovered my husband's fervent love for cucumbers after incidentally adding cucumber and lemon slices into a pitcher of water.  He questioned why I didn't use cucumbers more often, hence my eye caught this recipe and I thought I'd try it.  It was alright.  Ryan didn't like the sour cream and thought it would have been better, and fresher, without it.  I agree.  Perhaps a light vinaigrette would do next time.

3.  P.F. Chang's Lettuce Wraps:  Verdict--Good!!  Only complaint--and this is my fault, not the recipe's instructions--is that I used the wrong kind of lettuce that didn't hold the contents very well.  Next time, Iceberg or Bibb lettuce is mandatory.

4.  Salmon with brown sugar glaze:  Ok.  The first time I made this, I swooned.  Since then, I have made this so many times that it's become obnoxious.  But seriously, it is SO easy to make and the result is SO good that I couldn't care less if people make fun of the amount of salmon I eat.  My hair will just be shinier than yours :/

5.  Linguine with Roasted Red Pepper and Goat Cheese Alfredo:  This was tasty, but honestly, I haven't made it since the first time and don't have a desire to again any time soon, simply because this involved the immersion blender.  Yes, I'm that lazy.  No, seriously it just splattered all over the place when I started blending and I hate messes, so that's that.

Those are all the most recent ones in the last month that I've tried.  Some others that are now on my regular rotation (or when I'm simply being a lazy housewife and resort to the "tried-and-true" recipes) are ones I've posted about before:

Crockpot Chicken Teriyaki  Can't count the number of times I've made this.  I think Ryan's sick of it now.

Healthy Sesame Chicken  I will never, ever, ever, EVER get sick of this one!  It's so good and I could eat it any time, anywhere.  But I'm part Asian and I love me some rice with any kind of protein mixed with veggies and soy sauce, so there you go.

Is it weird that I'm pretty good about trying all the Pinterest recipes I post, but hardly ever do any of the exercises/workouts I collect on Pinterest?  Not a very good balance going on right here.

In other news, (since I'm fading away from the blogosphere more and more I may as well play catch up now) it feels more like Fall and the gigs are finding their way back into my calendar, and students are also performing more.  I think this weekend and next are my last free weekends until probably...January 2014?  It almost seems like I have stuff going on every weekend until then.  I guess that's what I signed up for, so can't complain too much.

Yesterday and today were blissful.  Ryan and I had absolutely no obligations so we ate lunch at a yummy taco place and then caught a cheap movie (The Conjuring, which I thought was good, but I like scary movies and a lot of people I know really don't, so you may not agree).  Came home and vegged out.
This morning, we drove to our favorite idyllic town, Granville, OH., for lunch and then some frozen custard at Whit's. I watered some of my plants, washed some dishes and after I finish this post, look forward to finishing this book I started...oh...maybe two years ago? Lol, unless it's a real page-turner, I tend to leave books unfinished and forgotten.   I'd like to change that and am on a quest to finish a book I choose from beginning to end before picking up another one.

Most likely, I won't get around to writing again until October...but who knows!


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