Five on Friday...Yay!!

I've been seeing a lot of "Five on Friday" posts and--let's be honest, I haven't blogged in almost a month--thought it would be a good, light, getting-out-of-my-blogging-rut type post for today.

So here it is:

Not our chair...but from the website of the guy who custom builds them.

1.  It's never too late to improve your outdoor area!  Last weekend, we ordered Adirondack chairs and also bought a fire pit from Home Depot.  That, plus all the outdoor work my parents did earlier this summer really has turned such a small space into something more inviting.  We had our neighbor over for hotdogs and smores last weekend (and I may have had just a little too much wine...)!

2.  I'm a sucker for end of season sales and have scored a few goodies in the last month.  One of them that I can't stop wearing are these sandals from DSW:

3.  Anything with fall scents-- candles, hand sanitizers, plug-ins, baked goods!  I'm ready for Fall...

4.  I think I was one of the last few people on earth to not have texting or a smartphone for that matter; that all changed last month when I went the cheapskate's route and ordered a Republic Wireless phone.  It's not the most perfect smartphone in the world...but for someone who had a flip phone this whole time, it works just fine and now I'm just like every other annoying schmuck who is constantly looking down at their phone texting away...

5.  Started teaching in-home this school year.  I was super excited about it and it went great the first couple lessons (just 3 students)...that is, until the younger students starting touching my stuff.  Now I'm regretting it...

That's it for now.  Reeally glad to not have anything on the agenda this weekend.  I always feel like I'm playing catch up with, well, everything-- practicing, cleaning, cooking, lesson planning, working out....sigh.


Hannah said…
Yeah, the nosiness and stuff touching is the annoying part of teaching at home. Not having to go anywhere, IMO, more than makes up for it! (And nobody taking a cut of the payment either...)
Gaby said…
@Shelley: they are surprisingly comfy!

@Hannah: definitely. Not having to go anywhere is a perk as well as making twice as much as I normally would at any of my studios, for sure. Recently, my dogs were a source of severe distraction for my 4 year old student and I'm troubled by how I can fix this. Getting a dog sitter crossed my mind, but argh, I'd hate to pay for it just to teach 2 people!

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