Thursday, October 17

Believe it or not, I actually woke up before my alarm went off, at the ungodly hour of 5:15am.  Because I hide nothing on this blog, I'll share why.  The smell of garbage wafting up to my bedroom through the vents woke me up.  Pleasant.
At first, I was terrified that maybe one of my dogs went #2 under our bed (one of the dogs likes to leave presents under pieces of furniture for us to find later) and I hadn't noticed for a long time.  But when I went down to the kitchen to get a drink of water, the smell just got more potent. Ugh.  So now I'm up.
So why not be productive and write a post?

From yesterday:

Browsed the stores, tried on some stuff, like this shirt from Talbots:

Didn't get it, but did get another burgundy shirt from Ann Taylor, which for some reason, I did not take a picture of myself wearing.

Went to the old Starbucks I used to work at to get a Pumpkin Spice Latte, and as I was getting ready to pay for it, one of the baristas told the cashier that it was on him.  So that made my day! (Just so you don't think he was hitting on me, I did know the barista as I still get together once in awhile with people who work at the store.)

Drudging up an old piece to practice.  Heard a recording of Arabella Steinbacher playing it and got inspired.  Haven't seriously played it in 8 years; last time was for a concerto competition in college.

After I got done teaching, I just knew I wasn't going to feel like making anything, so I stopped by the local Whole Foods and picked up my dinner.

Ryan made fun of me for taking a picture of my food-- I told him to "shut it" because I was running out of things to blog about.

Plans for the rest of today:  gathering old clothes I don't wear anymore and sending them off with my younger brother on his way home, so my mom can bring them to Argentina with her for my relatives.  My grandmother is pretty ill, so she's flying out there on short notice.  Wish I could go with her, but it's too expensive and I don't have a lot of vacation time with the kind of work I do.  Still need to make my morning coffee; probably do a 5K on the rowing machine; practice; figure out what I need to make for dinner; teach for a couple of hours, and then cap off the week with a glass of vino. 

I am so ready for the weekend.

I'm so glad I'm blogging again...I missed you all.


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