Cranberry Pecan Chicken Salad and Strawberry Cake!

I had a friend over today who is moving to Latvia.  I love any excuse to cook/make food for friends, so I thought chicken salad sandwiches would be perfect, along with the usual hors d' oeuvres of crackers and cheese and a Caprese salad kabob idea I saw on Pinterest.

Per usual, I forgot to take pictures of the main food, but here is a link to the recipe I followed for the chicken salad, which was quite tasty:

Cranberry Pecan Chicken Salad

And for the Caprese salad kabobs, I just used grape tomatoes, basil and mozzarella balls from Trader Joe's. So simple, but really delicious and perfect for Spring time:

But what I was REALLY excited for was this:
Strawberries and cream cake!!!  The first cake I've made in a long time.  Turned out rather well, I think.  I was so proud of it!  Stayed up until 1AM making it, but it was worth it.
Along with some Trader Joe's wine and a game of Scattegories, it was a pleasant Sunday afternoon.  Wish more like it could happen.  I SO enjoy making food for people... have I ever mentioned that?!
Had a LITTLE too much wine, so I think this is it for me.  Luckily, I spent most of the week cleaning, and we have plenty of leftovers, so I think I will just curl up with my doggies and watch some Netflix for the rest of this lovely Sunday evening.
Hope you all had a lovely weekend, too :)
P.S.  Just because I rarely make an appearance on this blog...

Please excuse the messy hair... my friend and I decided to take pics of each other eating the food so as to rub it in the face of our other friend who keeps "dissing" our get-togethers!  Proof that we had a good time!


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