A much needed three-day weekend

Today is Lazy Sunday.  Actually, this whole 3-day weekend was pretty lazy.  For the Fourth, some friends invited us over for a cookout; it was lovely, I didn't have to make one single thing, and the hostess was an excellent griller/chef!  Grass-fed beef, brioche buns, tomato salad drizzled with balsamic and goat cheese, tasty guacamole and chips and veggies with dip.  We lazed around talking until we thought it was time to go get some Jeni's Splendid Ice Creams.  Besides the OSU Buckeyes, Columbus is probably also known for Jeni's, which was started here and we are lucky to have one at nearly every turn in the city.  They have a seasonal flavor that I tried and loved--Saison with Sunflower seed and Golden Flax.  I love any kind of seed in my ice cream :). Also got their Black Coffee.  I usually rotate between the Queen City Cayenne, Black Coffee and  Whiskey and Pecans flavors.  You can view more flavors here as well as see if there is one near you!

Unfortunately, I have not been taking many pictures since our move to the temporary apartment.  I have been cooking again, although not so enthusiastically.  I'm just dreaming about when we finally move into a home and I can settle into everything and put everything in its place.  Then I'll be able to really enjoy cooking/baking again.  I'm also starting to get excited about decorating.  We are in contract with a house that I do love, although it isn't perfect.  Right now, we are in the Remedy period and kind of going back and forth with the sellers over what we'd like them to fix.  Just from our own experience selling our condo, I know it's not really going to be over until we have signed all the closing documents, and also, I'm nervous about the appraisal part.  That really held things up for us with the condo and it was such a pain. I'm glad that part is over.

Once we are past all of that with this house, I can post some pictures finally!  I'm excited to be able to share that with you all, so here is hoping that everything goes relatively smoothly.

I did muster up some energy and will to clean the apartment today, so at least I don't feel like such a lazy bum by day's end :(

Also twiddling my thumbs over what I could possibly scrounge up for dinner tonight without having to make a  trip to the grocery store, as I am still in my PJs:). I still have some leftover rotisserie chicken, some frozen veggies in the freezer and tons of starches in my pantry so maybe I can figure something out with that.

How was your 4th and rest of the weekend?


Bmore Bungalow said…
Lazy days are the best, aren't they? Can't wait to see your pictures.
It's always a treat when other people cook for you :) Good luck closing the deal on your new home! Looking forward to following along on your decorating/cooking adventure! xx
Gaby said…
Bmore Bungalow: thanks for reading! Hopefully pictures will come sometime next weekend.

Yuko Jones: thanks for the well wishes--I'm super excited about making our first house a home! Thanks for reading :)

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