The weekend and Condo Closed!

So we finally closed on our place yesterday!  Now, we just need to worry about finding a house.  We are actually all set for an inspection on one tomorrow morning... but after three or four houses that fell through--one we were in contract with, but had to walk away after a not-so-great inspection--in the last two or so months...I am so hesitant to act definite about anything.
I've learned so much these past few months about the housing market and what kind of unknowns there really are.  One can never be sure about anything these days.  So until all our stuff is actually in the new place, and we've signed all documents--I won't be mentioning or posting any pics of houses any time soon.

Ryan and I spent nearly 10 hours both Saturday and Sunday trying to make this place shine.  Our next door neighbor was scratching his head at us, even asking, "Why are you guys cleaning? You already sold the place!". Like I said before, you can never be sure of anything and we didn't want there to be one single reason our buyer had to walk away from the whole deal.  It all worked out in the end.  They had the walk through yesterday morning and sent an email to our agent saying the buyer "loved it more than ever".  The closing itself took a little longer than it should have--almost an hour and a half.  Most of it spent waiting on someone on staff and chatting about the housing market.  Fun stuff.

Kind of funny: last night, after we all dispersed after the closing, Ryan and I quickly stopped at a the grocery store to pick up some things for a celebratory dinner... where we bumped into our buyer at the checkout lanes!  Slightly awkward, but more funny.  We wondered if she was also preparing a celebratory meal herself.

So now, back to normal sort of.  The apartment is still surrounded by boxes and bags full of random stuff we just threw in at the last second in a harried attempt to clear the condo and get it over with.  I'll have the pleasure of sorting through it for the rest of this week.

I am so eager to get back into cooking regularly.  Last week was mostly fast food partially due to my not feeling like cooking, and due to all my cooking stuff being in boxes and not organized yet.  I do miss my kitchen and having everything exactly where I wanted it.  Oh well.

Other stuff I need to focus my attention on:  running/working out!  None of that has been happening and I feel like such a slob because of it.  I haven't gained weight... but I do look "soft" and feel gross.  Also need to focus a little more on my students.  They've been kind of on the back burner and my concentration hasn't been 100% during lessons just because I've always been thinking about what the status of this or that house has been, as well as a million other things.  Hate it.

So I'm glad this part is over, at least.  Need to focus on real life.  Other things and people don't stop for you when big (or little, too!) stuff happens.  Deal with it and keep moving.

Hope to be back very soon, and hope to hear from some of you, too!


Hi! Thank you so much for visiting my blog and saying such nice things about my house whispering! We love buying sad neglected homes and fixing them up.

Congrats on the sale of your home. I hope you find the home of your dreams.

I am in awe of your musical talent as well as your running talent!
Gaby said…
Thanks, Penny, for visiting and the comment!

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