Getting close to closing!!!

Hey!  Just a quickie update since I need to get ready and out the door soon...

We are coming to the end of our stay in the temporary, tiny apartment, and are looking forward to closing on the new house nearly a week from today!!!

Wow.  It feels like it was forever and a day since we started the house selling/buying process back in April--and also feels like it's been a mere few weeks at the same time.  A real whirlwind process.  I'm very, very thankful that our condo sold first before we discovered a home we loved.  That does not happen very often and I know a lot of people who can be in a real bind because of it. So thankful.

In the meantime, life is still going as usual:  trying to be a good housewife and cook more than I get take out (I write this no less than 12 hours after I resorted to Cane's Chicken for dinner last night!!) which is probably a 70/30 ratio... that's still good, right?!?!  Trying to work out more, read more, focus more on my students, and assessing which gigs I can accept or will have to say "no" to in an effort to maintain a busy studio, but still have a home life this Fall.

I know I will want to enjoy our home and do all kinds of things to decorate and organize in order to make it feel like it's really ours--and that's going to require time.  So keeping that in mind, I've already said no to some gigs that would have me busy pretty much every night of the week/weekends, not to mention having to do makeups for lessons I'd have to cancel in order to do them.  No gracias.

This weekend, we're going on a short notice trip to Cincinnati to see a Reds game, complimentary of my brother and sister-in-law.  That will be a nice respite from being holed up in our teeny, tiny apartment as we anticipate closing date.  I'll be back in that area again in a few weeks to play violin at the hubby's home town church.  One of those things I said "yes" to way, way back before we did the whole house thing or even knew we would be finding a new home.  Not a big deal, though.  It's always nice to see my in-laws.  I get along with them very well--I probably get more excited about visiting them than my husband does, ha!

Okay, I gotta go.  Will definitely take lots of pictures of the house soon after closing next Friday.  See you back here soon!


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