Pictures of House

Good morning!

So we closed on our house last Friday morning, and immediately began moving stuff in.  We spent the next three days moving and my parents came Saturday afternoon and left yesterday around noon.  We couldn't have done it so efficiently without their help.  Sunday afternoon, the hubs' coworkers came to help move the heavy stuff and they really got the job done quickly!  I made a trip to our old apartment to grab more stuff, thinking I'd get back in time to have pizza with all of them, only to come back and discover they were already finished, ate and had left.

My mom and I did a lot of cleaning (well, SHE did, lol...I also cleaned a lot, but had to organize and put everything away) and I'm so grateful she crushed the kitchen area, since I hate cleaning kitchens (especially after someone else has lived there).

Anyway, I took "before" pictures when the house was completely empty right after we closed; we've mostly put everything away, except for miscellaneous items in the garage that need to be cleared, as well as the second bedroom that we're treating as a storage unit now.  I hope to have everything completely cleared and put away in the next few weeks.

*Warning: Picture-heavy!

                                                               "Welcome Home!"


                                                                  Living area

                                                                  Dining area


                                                                      Hall around the corner

                                                                        Master bedroom

                                                                 Master closet

                                                                    Master bath

                                                             Stairs to lower level

                                                                Love this front door!

Office area

Inspecting the "man cave/family area"

Downstairs full bath

3rd bedroom

4th bedroom

Lower level stairs/hall/storage closet

A coat closet! Finally!
Entrance to garage and main foyer

Back yard
Built in bench on deck. Love it.

Herb and wild flower garden!!

Hope to have some "after" pics soon.  But there it is.  Our home for the next several years.  I'm really looking forward to it!


Shelley said…
I love that front door, too. The house is really nice! So light and bright...congratulations!
Gaby said…
Thanks, Shelley!

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