10 Weeks

Just a quickie update here!

Can't remember exactly when I last posted, but I think it was a month ago maybe?  Anyway, I'm almost 10 weeks along and so far I have really felt... nothing. Ha.  No nausea still, no hard hitting cravings or aversions, but I will say that I have become VERY picky with food.  And that is a noticeable change because previously I have eaten anything AND everything in sight.  I am normally the least pickiest eater in the room.  And while I normally really enjoy looking up new recipes and trying them out in the kitchen... the past few weeks I've resorted to take out and even completely boring stuff like boxed mac and cheese and peanut butter sandwiches which I NEVER EVER make.  My husband even stared at them saying, "what's this.... beige stuff?". I just have temporarily lost my desire to cook.
I am concerned that my love of vegetables has left me, because I really need those more than ever right now.  But I am eating more fruit than I used to, so hopefully that makes up for something.  I've been drinking a lot of almond milk, as well.

The biggest surprise?  I don't miss coffee at all!!  I thought I would, but I really feel great since I stopped drinking caffeine altogether.  No more coke zero (sometimes the thought of that over ice seems refreshing... but I know I'm healthier without it) or pumpkin lattés.  Totally doable!  I'm hopeful that this can continue even after baby is born.

Also not missing: alcohol.  Wasn't really a big drinker to begin with (!) so maybe that's why.

I do miss:  sushi!  But thank goodness for California rolls, because I've been pigging out on those.  I really also crave deli meats but can't have those.  This week I was dying for a turkey and ham sandwich.  I think the first thing I'll request after giving birth will be for a Jimmy John's sandwich.

Physical changes:  pants are getting tighter!  Argh, I've resorted to the hair band trick for all of my pants (except leggings, I should probably get more pairs of those!) but it's still quite uncomfortable throughout the day.

And the only distinct change that started from Day 1 and continues to this day are my sore, growing breasts :(. Those are also something I'll have to invest in soon.

In the first few weeks I knew I was expecting, I felt a little crampy--but was reassured by my OB and the internet that that was from my uterus expanding and changing.  I haven't felt that so much in the past couple of weeks.

My next appointment is coming up this Monday and I am hoping they'll do an ultrasound (should probably call and confirm!) because at this point, we've all wondered:  am I really pregnant???!  I mean, I don't look pregnant yet which is normal because I'm not that far along, but I keep thinking I should be sicker (and I think everyone else in my family thinks that, too) and showing more symptoms.  I just want reassurance that everything is okay "in there" so I can just relax and appreciate my lack of sickness!

I am getting so antsy!  We told more people over Thanksgiving, but still haven't told my in-laws (my family knows) and decided we'll wait until Christmas.  That seemed like such an eternity at first, but December is always a busy month and we are well into the first week already that I know it will be here before we know it.  So I'll try to just relax and enjoy each day as it comes :)

I was scouring Pinterest for ideas on announcing pregnancies at Christmas time because I wanted to do something fun for my in-laws... but my party pooper husband nixed that plan and insists that he tell them the old fashioned way.  This actually spiraled into a very heated argument, but I will spare you the details and simply say that since it IS his family, I decided he can do whatever he wants, especially since I told my family right away on my own :P. We shall see if he changes his mind, though, and gets on board with my Christmas spirit!

The next few weeks are going to be crazy--lots of rehearsal and concerts, playing at my church, trying to figure out when I can possibly finish my Christmas shopping (so far, only shopped early for my SIL) and get all students caught up on their lessons (this is that wonderful time of year when parents get it in their heads that they need to get ALL their makeups done before the end of the year... umm, doesn't really work that way. It's not like the world is ending December 31st, right?).  Oh!  And make sure I still get a decent block of vacation time.  People: I did not go on a summer vacation this year!  I look forward to Christmas vacay every year.  But of course, I'm missing all the wonderful Christmas parties this year because of my gigs.

Okay.  I think I'm rambling now.  Should probably head to bed.  Hope you have a great December!


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